Source code for pypersist.pickling

"""Default methods used by `persist` for pickling and unpickling objects."""

from pickle import dumps, loads
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode, urlsafe_b64decode
from sys import modules


[docs]def pickle(obj): """Return a string representation of the object `obj` This function takes any object, and uses the `pickle` and `base64` modules to create a string which represents it. This string consists only of alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores. The object `obj` can later be reconstructed from this string using the `unpickle` function. Examples -------- >>> pickle("Hello world") 'gANYCwAAAEhlbGxvIHdvcmxkcQAu' >>> unpickle("gANYCwAAAEhlbGxvIHdvcmxkcQAu") 'Hello world' """ b = pickle_to_bytes(obj) # object to bytes b64 = urlsafe_b64encode(b) # bytes to base64 bytes s = b64.decode(CHAR_ENCODING) # base64 bytes to string return s
[docs]def unpickle(string): """Restore an object from a string created by the `pickle` function If `string` was created by the `pickle` function in this file, then this function returns an object identical to the one that was used to create `string`. Examples -------- >>> pickle("Hello world") 'gANYCwAAAEhlbGxvIHdvcmxkcQAu' >>> unpickle("gANYCwAAAEhlbGxvIHdvcmxkcQAu") 'Hello world' """ b64 = string.encode(CHAR_ENCODING) # string to base64 bytes b = urlsafe_b64decode(b64) # base64 bytes to original bytes obj = unpickle_from_bytes(b) # bytes to object return obj
[docs]def pickle_to_bytes(obj): """Pickle an object to a bytes object For most objects, this function is equivalent to `pickle.dumps`. However, if `pickle.dumps` fails, then an alternative pickling method will be attempted using Sage, if Sage is loaded. Otherwise, an error will be raised. Used inside the `pickle` function in this file. """ try: b = dumps(obj) # Pickle the key to a bytes object except Exception as e: # Should be a PickleError, but doesn't seem to be if "sage.misc.persist" in modules: # Use Sage pickling if necessary import sage.misc.persist b = sage.misc.persist.dumps(obj) else: raise e # Still can't pickle - raise error return b
[docs]def unpickle_from_bytes(obj): """Unpickle a bytes object to produce the original object that was pickled For most objects, this function is equivalent to `pickle.loads`. However, if `pickle.loads` fails, then an alternative unpickling method will be attempted using Sage, if Sage is loaded. Otherwise, an error will be raised. Used inside the `unpickle` function in this file. """ try: b = loads(obj) # Pickle the key to a bytes object except Exception as e: # Should be a PickleError, but doesn't seem to be if "sage.misc.persist" in modules: # Use Sage unpickling if necessary import sage.misc.persist b = sage.misc.persist.loads(obj) else: raise e # Still can't pickle - raise error return b