Source code for pypersist.mongodbcache

"""Persistent memoisation backend that saves results on a MongoDB REST server

The `persist` decorator takes a `cache` argument, which details what sort of
backend to use for the cache.  If this string begins with "mongodb://", then a
*MongoDB cache* is used, which saves computed results to a MongoDB database via
a REST API.  This internal work is done by the classes defined below.

To start a MongoDB/REST server for use with this cache, navigate to the
`mongodb_server/` directory and execute the `` script.


from .commoncache import HashCollisionError

from os.path import join
import requests
import json

from sys import version_info

PYTHON_VERSION = version_info[0]  # major version number
    from import MutableMapping, Iterator
    from collections import MutableMapping, Iterator

[docs]class Cache: """Dictionary-like object for saving function outputs to disk This cache, which can be used by the `persist` decorator in ``, stores computed values in a specified MongoDB database so that they can be restored later using a key. Like a dictionary, a key-value pair can be added using `cache[key] = val`, looked up using `cache[key]`, and removed using `del cache[key]`. The number of values stored can be found using `len(cache)`. A MongoDB cache might not store its keys, and therefore we cannot iterate through its keys as we can with a dictionary. However, see `CacheWithKeys`. Parameters ---------- func : persist_wrapper Memoised function whose results this is caching. Options which are not specific to local disk storage, such as the key, hash, and pickle functions, are taken from this. url : str URL of the pypersist MongoDB database that will be used to store and load results. The same database can be used for several different functions, since the function's `funcname` will be stored with each result. """ def __init__(self, func, url): self._func = func # Use http if not specified if url.find("://") == -1: url = "http://" + url self._url = join(url, self._func._funcname) self._headers = { "Content-type": "application/json", "Accept": "text/plain", } def __getitem__(self, key): # Get hash and check it h = self._func._hash(key) if self._func._unhash: storedkey = self._func._unhash(h) if storedkey != key: raise HashCollisionError(storedkey, key) # Search for value in database db_item = self._get_db(h) if db_item: # Stored value found if self._func._storekey: # Check key keystring = db_item["key"] storedkey = self._func._unpickle(keystring) if storedkey != key: raise HashCollisionError(storedkey, key) # Use stored value val = self._func._unpickle(db_item["result"]) else: # No value stored raise KeyError(key) return val def __setitem__(self, key, val): h = self._func._hash(key) new_item = { "funcname": self._func._funcname, "hash": h, "namespace": "pypersist", # TODO: make configurable "result": self._func._pickle(val), } if self._func._storekey: new_item["key"] = self._func._pickle(key) if self._func._metadata: new_item["metadata"] = self._func._metadata() r =, headers=self._headers, json=new_item) r.raise_for_status() def __delitem__(self, key): # Get the item from the database h = self._func._hash(key) db_item = self._get_db(h) if db_item is None: raise KeyError(key) # Delete the item using its _id and _etag url = self._url + "/" + db_item["_id"] headers = dict(self._headers) headers["If-Match"] = db_item["_etag"] r = requests.delete(url=url, headers=headers) r.raise_for_status() def __len__(self): db_items = self._get_db() if db_items: return db_items["_meta"]["total"] else: return 0
[docs] def clear(self): """Delete all the results stored in this cache""" r = requests.delete(url=self._url) if r.status_code not in [204, 404]: r.raise_for_status()
[docs] def _get_db(self, hash=None): """Return all db items for this function, or one with this hash Queries the MongoDB database for entries with this function, and returns the resulting json data as a dictionary. Parameters ---------- hash : str, optional The hash of the database item we wish to retrieve. Returns ------- dict or None If a hash is specified, a single database item with entries "_id", "_etag", "funcname", "hash", "result" and so on. If no hash is specified, a list of all such items in the database in the "_items" entry, along with metadata in the "_meta" entry. If no appropriate item exists in the database, None. """ url = self._url if hash: url += "/" + hash r = requests.get(url=url) if r.status_code == 200: # Stored values found return json.loads(r.text) elif r.status_code == 404: # No value stored return None else: # Database error r.raise_for_status()
[docs]class CacheWithKeys(Cache, MutableMapping): """Mutable mapping for saving function outputs to a MongoDB database This subclass of `Cache` can be used in place of `Cache` whenever `storekey` is True or `unhash` is defined, to implement the `MutableMapping` abstract base class. This allows the cache to be used exactly like a dictionary, including the ability to iterate through all keys in the cache. """ def __iter__(self): return self.KeysIter(self)
[docs] class KeysIter(Iterator): """Iterator class for the keys of a `CacheWithKeys` object""" def __init__(self, cache): self._cache = cache assert cache._func._storekey or cache._func._unhash db_items = self._cache._get_db() if db_items: self._items = db_items["_items"] else: self._items = [] self._pos = 0 def __next__(self): if self._pos >= len(self._items): raise StopIteration item = self._items[self._pos] self._pos += 1 if self._cache._func._storekey: key = self._cache._func._unpickle(item["key"]) else: assert self._cache._func._unhash key = self._cache._func._unhash(item["hash"]) return key next = __next__ # for Python 2 compatibility